Saturday, October 5, 2013

History of Technology in Music education

             In the 1940's listening to records was a new way of encouraging critical listening which is essential for a musician, critically listening to recordings is still a central part of music education today.


  1. I agree that records are an important aspect within music education. It's crazy to think how much recording technology has improved over the years, especially coming from making recordings through wax cylinders played back by the phonograph! It's also funny to think that the sound quality of records played by a record player are preferred over our current technology in audio recordings, such as mp4 files and CD-roms. Audio reproduced by records have a much more pure quality about then than the digital media that exists today. Records were a wonderful ground-breaker for the technology we have today no matter what.

  2. This picture is so amazing. I have never seen anything like it. This picture says a lot about how far we have come. I find that listening to records is so much fun. Although our brains process digitally I find it to be cool to listen to records. Records are outdated but I would say it is important to make sure kids understand the history of music. With technology moving so rapidly I find it important o ground ourselves with the past. Many people do not feel the same way I do not think everyone has to agree but there is always a future and a past.

  3. This is a great picture!

    One thing I find so interesting is how much recording music has changed over the years but still how popular records are across the country. The frequency that a record picks up is so much more broad than an MP3 and the qualities between songs on MP3 and Vinyl and so distinctly different that even to this day "outdated" technology such as a record is still a cherished possession by many people.

    Great topic and I love the picture!


  4. I always loved the sound of record players and think they should still be introduced in music classrooms. In my own art classroom I would love to play records to allow my students to experience the beautiful and interesting sound they produce.
